WESH Leaders/Presidents and their Focus, 1997-2011


1997/1998 - PonJola Coney, MD – set up administrative and legal requirements to obtain 501 (c) (3) non-profit organizational status for SELAM, including Bylaws. Obtained approval of 501 (c) (3) status. Served as Secretary/Treasurer for first 2 years of organization’s existence. Organized the first CME conference at the 1996 AAMC meeting


1998/1999 - Nancy Hardt, MD – designed and implemented first formal CE event in association with ELAM, through leadership of Suanne Daves as Program Chair

1999/2000 - Deborah German, MD – developed connection with National Board for WIM; promoted membership among current ELAM Fellows

2000/2001 - Sharon Turner, DDS, JD – increased membership and involvement among deans, through personal letters to each dean

2001/2002 - Joanne Conroy, MD – increased visibility for SELAM through inauguration of SELAM Award for Excellence, now extended for both AAMC and ADEA

2002/2003 - Alice J. Speer, MD – expanded infrastructure and established Bylaws

2003/2004 – Vivian Reznik, MD, MPH – consolidated operations to central office

2004/2005 – Karen P. West, DMD, MPH – piloted AAMC ½ day CE program

2005/2006 – Roberta E. Sonnino, MD, FACS, FAAP – solidified Bylaws and Policies; created President’s Advisory Council, including all past-presidents; established President’s Award; initiated regional SELAM CE program

2006/2007 – Christine K. Abrass, MD – created new organizational structure of the SELAM BOD

2007/2008 – Pamela Zarkowski, MPH, JD– transitioned SELAM to an organizational management firm

2008/2009- Mary Lou Voytko, PhD – initiated change in annual CE conference to an Executive Retreat model; spearheaded BOD personal membership drive

2009/2010- Joan M. Lakoski, PhD – instituted SELAM Summit in place of the Spring Meeting

2010/2011 – Wendy W. Brown, MD, MPH – Continued annual SELAM Summit in place of the Spring Meeting; instituted a Bylaws Taskforce to review and update current SELAM Bylaws

2011-2012 - Elisabeth J. Kunkel, MD - Rebranded organization as WESH (Women Executives in Healthcare and the Sciences). Oversaw creation of new logo, social networking, and new website. Beginning of outreach to women in leadership in non-faculty positions across the academic medical center. Separation of SELAM and ELAM Program.


WESH Committee Focus

The WESH program has several new women leaders who have joined our program for entrepreneurial success. Our members come from all walks of life and have different businesses that they have started. See one of our newest members here. They are a women owned and operated business who offer financial services for small business.

WESH Institutional Members