WESH Leaders/Presidents and their Focus, 1997-2011
1997/1998 - PonJola Coney, MD – set up administrative and legal requirements to obtain 501 (c) (3) non-profit organizational status for SELAM, including Bylaws. Obtained approval of 501 (c) (3) status. Served as Secretary/Treasurer for first 2 years of organization’s existence. Organized the first CME conference at the 1996 AAMC meeting
1998/1999 - Nancy Hardt, MD – designed and implemented first formal CE event in association with ELAM, through leadership of Suanne Daves as Program Chair
1999/2000 - Deborah German, MD – developed connection with National Board for WIM; promoted membership among current ELAM Fellows
2000/2001 - Sharon Turner, DDS, JD – increased membership and involvement among deans, through personal letters to each dean
2001/2002 - Joanne Conroy, MD – increased visibility for SELAM through inauguration of SELAM Award for Excellence, now extended for both AAMC and ADEA
2002/2003 - Alice J. Speer, MD – expanded infrastructure and established Bylaws
2003/2004 – Vivian Reznik, MD, MPH – consolidated operations to central office
2004/2005 – Karen P. West, DMD, MPH – piloted AAMC ½ day CE program
2005/2006 – Roberta E. Sonnino, MD, FACS, FAAP – solidified Bylaws and Policies; created President’s Advisory Council, including all past-presidents; established President’s Award; initiated regional SELAM CE program
2006/2007 – Christine K. Abrass, MD – created new organizational structure of the SELAM BOD
2007/2008 – Pamela Zarkowski, MPH, JD– transitioned SELAM to an organizational management firm
2008/2009- Mary Lou Voytko, PhD – initiated change in annual CE conference to an Executive Retreat model; spearheaded BOD personal membership drive
2009/2010- Joan M. Lakoski, PhD – instituted SELAM Summit in place of the Spring Meeting
2010/2011 – Wendy W. Brown, MD, MPH – Continued annual SELAM Summit in place of the Spring Meeting; instituted a Bylaws Taskforce to review and update current SELAM Bylaws
2011-2012 - Elisabeth J. Kunkel, MD - Rebranded organization as WESH (Women Executives in Healthcare and the Sciences). Oversaw creation of new logo, social networking, and new website. Beginning of outreach to women in leadership in non-faculty positions across the academic medical center. Separation of SELAM and ELAM Program.